
Powerinsolce, Inc. ("Powerinsole") excludes all liability for correctness, completeness or quality of the information and material provided and Powerinsole does not assume any liability that the information is up to date. Powerinsole assumes no liability for damages of either material or intellectual nature which result from use or non-use of provided information on its website, or from use of incorrect or incomplete information, as far as no malice or gross negligence of Powerinsole can be established.

All offers are for informational purposes only and non-binding. Powerinsole expressly reserves the right to change, supplement or delete portions of its website without notice, or to discontinue publication either temporarily or permanently.

The information provided on this website is not medical advice. It is only for informational and educational purposes. Please contact your healthcare provider to discuss your health concerns, diagnoses, or treatments.

The services and content listed on this Website only constitute the opinions of Poweirnsole Inc.  They have not been evaluated, recommended, or endorsed by the FDA or any other government organization. 

Powerinsole’s website contains links to third party websites or content. The owners of the websites to which these links lead are solely liable for their content, and in particular for damages which result from use or non-use of provided information. Powerinsole only verifys these websites once, at the time the link is established. Any and all changes which occur at a later point in time are the responsibility of the owners of such websites and Powerinsole excludes all liability for third-party content on either its own website or linked websites of third -parties.